Laduree Lucky Charms Candles Coming Soon…

We are not sure it’s entirely possible, but Laduree seem to have surpassed themselves. To polish off an exceptional year in Laduree history, during which they celebrated 150 years of their divine pastry creations and 10 years of their fabulous fragranced candles, Laduree have created four utterly chic and extraordinary beautiful limited edition candle scents which draw inspiration from Laduree’s flagship locations – namely: Paris, Tokyo, London and New York.

Each scent evokes memories of travels and journeys taken all over the world to open Laduree boutiques, while always embracing the character of it’s French history, it’s ultimate muse…

The Paris Candle offers a  glamorous tuberose scent, reminiscent of a notorious “femme fatale”, disconcerting and unforgettable, just like this magnificent and eternal city. While The London Candle has the atmosphere of an English club, where leather and wax scents reign. The evocation of twilight, relaxing in a majestic Chesterfield sofa. Masculine chic with an inimitable and unshakable English spirit…

Across the Oceans and The Tokyo Candle offers up a subtle tea scent, a perfect mix of delicate flavour, blending refinement and preciosity, the mysterious Japanese touch. And so on to The New York Candle,  with a strong and vivacious scent, an apple bite, a strong wind, the signature of a city, a homage to New Yorkers and their insatiable appetite for life.

These four heavenly perfumed candles will soon be available to pre-order in The Boutique at La Maison Couture...